I'm starting to get the hang of this centers-based unit planning and assessment thing, I think... this time I'm combining the new assessment/feedback templates I developed last time with our emerging understanding of a centers-based approach to teaching/learning.
I'm also listening to students and families (mainly from one of the several classes I teach) who are telling/showing me they want more accountability and scaffolding to work independently. To this end, I've developed a "learning passport", which students will use to track their progress through the various centers in this unit, and which they will show both me and their families at least three times over the course of the unit. I'll also begin this unit with a little more classroom management review and practice of procedures to ensure transitions to and between centers are smoother than they have been for some students previously.

passport.docx |
Primary resources for this unit include the curriculum, some resources from Marion Small and the Math Makes Sense textbook, as well as the Ministry's Math CLIPS resource and TIPS4M.
Our Learning Goal:
We will understand that fractions can represent parts of wholes, parts of sets, parts of measures, division or ratios. We will see that there are many ways to represent fractions and different procedures for computing with fractions, just as with whole numbers.
Success Criteria - Grade 7:
| Success Criteria - GRADE 8:
Assessment will include teacher observation of work at centers as well as during group problem solving classes, individual conversations/conferences with students, two quizzes, and a culminating task: a digital "Fractions Portfolio" of sorts.
| As always, there will be homework expectations, some of which will be checked and recorded in class. This time, students will also complete a short reflection at the end of each Centers period, in order to stay on track and facilitate communication with families. Space for this reflection will be provided in the "learning passport", which will track student work, and which will include a spot for teacher and family feedback. Selected Centers are uploaded below, as is the unit overview. The ppt and some other lessons I am keeping to myself, because they are huge files and it took me almost a month to compile and create it all!!! ![]()
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fractions_overview_vocab_curric_expectations_big_ideas.docx |