But tonight I finally I finally got to try out the treachery of winter riding.
Luckily, I had my cycling expert girlfriend with me; she had ridden through ice and snow to bring me dinner at school, where I was staying late to rearrange my classroom – long story, separate blog post once time permits – and accompany me home.
After a briefing ("go slow, don’t lean into turns, get off saddle and put one foot near ground in case of instability, ride straight, no braking…."), we set out. Rather than my usual fast fare, I opted for Vivaldi’s Quattro Stagioni in my headphones to guide my slower pace and carry me through the slushy ride home.
It was definitely slower, but not as treacherous as I had anticipated.
I heeded my girlfriend’s wise advice, and made all the right accommodations, resulting in only one near slip, and no falls at all! Yay!
Soon, we were turning into a familiar driveway and stopping for a quick photo in the parking lot out back of our building.
My first ride in the snow.