As a preamble, I had them experiment a bit with shading, using crayons and coloured pencils. I handed out scraps of textured paper, and had the students choose one colour with which to practise rubbing hard or lightly to try out different effects. I then had them look up Georgia O’Keeffe and note 2-3 facts, which we shared the next day as part of the ppt.
Inevitably, someone came up with “she liked to draw flowers”, and this launched us into the rest of the ppt, and an examination of O’Keeffe’s work, during which I pointed out various treatments using shading. The students, having recently used similar techniques, were amazed, and exclaimed “Whoa!” and “Dramatic!” in response to several of the works I showed.
My final slide was a compilation of a few of the previous pieces, with the title, “Now YOU try…” This was accompanied by my verbal invitation to select a page of varying size to draw some sort of flower onto, then use crayon or coloured pencil to shade it in.
Some results are below…