Those who know me well know that's not the REAL answer to the riddle. But those who know me well have also threatened me with all manner of horrible consequence if I retell either of the two jokes I learned from a seasoned Kindergarten teacher during my first year of teaching ever again. And so this year I am retiring my inappropriate (but funny!!!) hallowe'en jokes in favour of some hallowe'en math instead, inspired by a visit to the dollar store during a recent stint in Chatham, where I was facilitating a non-math and non-hallowe'en related teacher workshop last week.
(The third page includes a letter home which can be stapled to the problem and sent home, inviting families to review the math with their children, and consider their child's mathematical strengths and next steps for learning using the rubric on page 2.)

halloween_dilemma_problem_msk_multiples_and_factors.docx |

halloween_dilemma_problem_lise.docx |