Most years in the classroom, I've requested feedback from my students in some form or another. This morning, I handed out a blank report card template, and had students write a report card about me, using the "strengths" and "next steps" format, in various subject areas and learning skills.
One young chap was perplexed: "Ms. Teschow, I don't think I can write anything bad," he quipped, "You're so good at everything!" (Ahhh, I love teaching primary kids!!!) I assured him that everyone had areas they could improve in, and that I was keen to hear what they felt my areas for growth were.
Most of the students eagerly rose to the occasion. A sampling of their comments follows.
- "Ms. Teschow is great at finding new words and using them in her vocabulary."
- "I enjoyed how you teach us with the Smart Board."
- "You did very well in oral communication, because you make us staring using rich talk, and I really enjoyed it because it helps us have better conversations."
- "She explains everything clearly, even to people who don't understand math."
- "Awesome job with Measurement, Patterning and Algebra. A+!"
- "I lik when ms Tesho talk"
- "Great work on writing -- you make it so interesting and funny. Bravo! Bravo!"
- "I like how we get to plant a plant, and I don't like how we Make postars"
- "My teacher makes school interesting"
- "I liked how we went to the math groups"
- "You're all good"
- "I liked it when we measured the Kindergarten gate."
- "It is really fun getting to work with a partner."
- "Art - awesome! Social Studies - good job."
- "I liked when we read First Day Jitters and other books together."
Next Steps:
- "more minds maps and posters, please"
- "Ms. T is good at reading, she can improve on writing"
- "more harder reading and more challenging math"
- "has to add more fun"
- "I don't like how we have a lot of pages for math homework!"
- "Sometimes Ms. Teschow talks to people and she is sometimes LOUD!"
- "I wish we did more painting"
- "Ms. Teschow should eat more healthly food."
- "I think Ms. T should really learn more about science and technology because she is so-so good!"
- "Ms. Teschow is good at crafting and colouring, but she can work on cutting!"
- "Ms. T needs some help in math"
Tonight, I will send home the following family feedback survey, so I can get the parents' take on things, too. Crushing as the truth sometimes is, honest feedback can be a powerful tool for moving forward.
Stay tuned for the next installment.... | ![]()