Since we had checked most of our luggage, we had relatively little to haul around with us, and we had recently discovered a few extra euros tucked away in an inner pocket of on of our jackets, so we decided to take the airport bus 4 km to the town’s centre for 50 minutes of exploring, before heading back to the airport to press ourselves into the long line-up with the rest of the passengers boarding our 310 Airbus to Toronto.
Ponta Delgado on a Saturday afternoon in January is like Charlottetown on a Monday morning in September, after all the summer tourists have left the island. NOT MUCH HAPPENING!!! Even the tourist centre was closed, and doors barred!
Undeterred, we pulled out a city map, and wandered around a bit. We even saw a casket being carried into a local church, and marvelled at the unique, fishbowl-like “Hearse” that had carried it there.
Photos of our brief walk through Ponta Delgado below and above, uncaptioned.