It was Alex and Simon's first protest rally, and they enjoyed waving signs screaming "Stop bullying my Mommy!" and "Looking for $? How About Cutting EQAO" about in the air. They soon grew tired of the excitement and crowds, however, and shortly after meeting Trevor there, decided they were done with protesting. He took them back to the west end on the Subway, and I stayed a little longer with a colleague and his family, before heading home myself.
A few photos below, and -- for those seeking media coverage of the event -- a link to CTV news (I especially like the part starting at 1:19), who reported the message we have been trying to educate the public on, that it is NOT about the money, that we are NOT expecting or demanded a wage increase, and that it IS about the protection of and respect for the collective bargaining process, both for teachers and other unionized workers across the province.