Happily, the librarian here at Tyndale was obligingly generous with his time, and hauled out every concievable Kindergarten-related resource we had, so the afternoon was spent exploring with puppets, building with coloured blocks, sorting little plastic animals and pouring over a vast array of Kindergarten teacher resources. I faciliated the session, Kindergarten style, as a series of centres!
Our guest speaker had prepped numerous resources and sent them along as well, and I was amazed at the wealth of good stuff out there for Kindergarten teachers!!! If you are hanging out with 3, 4 and 5-year-olds this fall, consider the following:
- 1000 Moments - ETFO`s K site, includes info on Thinking It Through; Playing is Learning
- Reggio Books like this one or this one, coming soon!
- Spaces and Places by Debbie Diller
I may not be enthusiastic about or competent at teaching it, but I sure can sell it!