We began by looking at a work by the artist Wasily Kandinsky (lower left). We talked about different things that are round like a circle, and listed them onto chart paper: Oranges, wheels, belly buttons... Then the children were asked to work with a partner to find and cut out various round things from magazines, and glue them onto a piece of manilla tagboard. The idea was for them to make a collage. Instead, they made a mess. Scraps of paper everywhere, bits of gluestick cut off with scissors, a lid affixed to one child's work (because "look, Ms. Teschow, the glue stick cap is round, too!") and a total meltdown by one little fellow because allegedly the tiny, 1-inch basketball he had cut out had been stolen by a classmate. Niether of them got to have it in the end, but Kindergarten kid #1 had a 20 minute temper tantrum about it, while kid #2 moved on to another project.
Admittedly, this was perhaps not one of my better lessons!