On Friday morning, we predicted how much, and then counted the collected money in the jar over the course of the week.
When I got home Friday night, I went online and made a donation for the total amount raised by my class.
This weekend, Trevor and I took the boys to High Park to check out the destruction first hand. Although the toddler area was virtually untouched, the damage to the affected area was profound. The once beautiful towers that rose high above the playground, and signalled its existance to all who drove down Parkside Drive, were completely burned to the ground. The big slide was gone, too. Police tape surrounded the area, and big red signs proclaimed “danger!” in loud letters.
It was heartening to see many families with children, undeterred by the events of the past weekend, out at the park anyway, playing in the area that had been salvaged from the flames.
While at the park, we dropped in to see the High Park Zoo, and I was reminded that this gem, too, is in danger, thanks to some poor decisions made by our current "Mayor", Rob Ford.
It seems that every cloud has its silver lining.