Access to technology is somewhat mixed at my school, with certain pockets of students having one or more personal, wifi-equipped devices, and still many others not having their own device to bring to school. (It's a situation I've attempted to rectify by procuring some funding for two "new" devices for student use in my classroom this year.)

In addition to trying to orchestrate a few opportunities myself, I've also allowed any students who have their own devices to track progress and record their work during Math Centers time on their device.
For those who have taken me up on this, the results have been exciting to observe: For example, a student in one of my Grade 7 classes used her device to record all her centers work during our current Fractions unit.
When working with manipulatives, she takes photos. When she draws a diagram, she captures the screen shot and inserts it into a note.
My ideal scenario would see a 1:1 student:device ratio. If students were able to create digital notebooks in this way, I would incorporate my learning skills self assessment and growth mindset reflection right into the device in some sort of online format.
One day... ONE DAY!