As a newer teacher, I often attended workshops facilitated by my more experienced colleagues. In recent years, I have spent more time in the facilitation role, presenting and co-presenting sessions about Assessment, Combined Grades and Math for Math Phobic Teachers.
This year, I am offered the chance to facilitate three days in Sudbury. The First Twenty Days Revamped will offer Grade 1- 6 Teachers a smorgasbord of ideas from "Engaging Your Disengaged Students" to "Reconsidering Classroom Set Up and Management" to "DI and DA for REAL Teachers" to "How to Plan an Effective Math and Literacy Program and Integrate Social Justice into Your Curriculum Map" and ANYTHING ELSE PEOPLE MIGHT WANT TO ADDRESS!!!
Come to the Big Nickel for three days of sharing. At prices as low as $55 a session (including great lunches each day!), this multi-day learning opportunity is a bargain. Whether you're from Sudbury or elsewhere in the province, or somewhere else entirely, why not join us for a few days of excitement, fun and professional networking?
Come on in -- the water's warm! :-D