In previous years we've been pretty lucky in terms of sleep – the boys have woken up at their usual 6 a.m. or so, which may seem early, but is not unlike what we are used to most mornings anyway.
Alas, this year, the mice first started stirring just before 4 a.m!!! Overexcited and unable to get back to sleep, they made such a commotion that Trevor finally told them they could get up and get their stockings, but that they had to stay in their rooms until a more reasonable hour before heading out to the living room to see what was under the tree.
The racket that ensued as two overtired and super-excited little boys played with the contents of their stockings was such that Trevor finally made them go back to "sleep" until 6 a.m. When he could hold them off no longer, he summoned us to come down, which we did (after taking the dog out for a quick pee).
By that time, poor Trevor was so tired and dysfunctional that Tats' help putting together one of Alex`s toys seemed to Trevor like the best gift ever! Other highlights of the morning included Simon's "Who Would Win" sticker book custom-designed by Tatian--, er, Santa himself, and of course the usual obligatory giant plastic toy for Alex. Even Jasper the bad little beagle got something in his stocking!
After tidying up the spoils, the adults set the boys up to play with their new toys, and went back to their respective beds in hope of getting a few more winks… Busy afternoon ahead, with the twiplets family to eat and make merry with later today!