After a weekend filled with dance recitals, German school concert and more seasonal festivities, we finally managed to get the darned thing decorated.
Since last Christmas had found some of us with Trevor and others on PEI (and hence, without a Christmas tree), I couldn't actually remember what decorations we had kept when leaving for Argentina, and which we had passed along to Trevor.
As we unpacked our one remaining Christmas bin, I was sad to discover that I must have passed my fancy pears and apples on, along with the wooden stars that a former room-mate and I had bought together at a local shop more than a decade ago, but I was pleased to find our various birds (aviation theme, hehe) and musical instruments (including the little drum ornament I stole from the tree at the hospital the night my mother died over 20 years ago!!!) nestled in among various red balls and the five remaining straw stars made by my great-grandfather.
The boys, of course, preferred silliness and wrestling to a more picture-perfect pose once all the decorations were in place, so here is the best I got:
(click to enlarge)