Although the amount of paper and information was somewhat overwhelming, and made me realise my skills have moved in other directions over the past year and a half that I've been "out", overall, I am pretty optimistic about next year. My new colleagues seem very welcoming and committed to teaching, and there are several new hires, so that I will not be the only "new guy". Also, my new principal really seems on the ball.
I am reminded of my first year of teaching. Fresh out of teachers' college, I was keen and eager to launch my career. In a lucky, lucky twist of fate, I ended up in a school with a brilliant principal. Thelma was passionate about teaching and learning, she was well organized, and held high expectations for her students and staff. All of this came across to me as a new teacher in a very obvious and positive way at the first staff meeting I attended at her (my) school that June to prep for September. I remember walking away from that staff meeting 13 years ago overwhelmed, and very, very excited. I knew it was going to be an excellent year. And it was! (Well, except maybe for the Grade 8 Band class with 7 drummers I had to teach twice a week in addition to my Grade 7 Core package, lol!)
I am not naiive enough to think this transition back to the classroom full time will not be without its challenges, but I am for sure looking forward to a year of growing, learning and celebrating.
Can't wait to meet the kids and their families!!!