Why just this morning on the bus, I excitedly read about a rich, engaging Fermi problem involving -- wait for it – a bag of bird seed!!! Now where, pray tell, am I going to get a bag of bird seed, and, who's paying for said bag?
After already spending nearly $1000 of my own money on classroom set up and supplies again this year, and sleeping an average of five hours a night since school started, I have neither the time/energy nor the funds to procure a bag of bird seed so that my grade 8 students can estimate and develop a plan for measuring the volume, weight and number of seeds in one cup of bird seed or the whole bag, sorry people. I'm trying here, I really am, but... !!?!
After developing an anchor chart on encouraging others in my class today, I plan on inviting some of my grade eights tomorrow to donate a bag of bird seed to the cause… We shall see what transpires. Should a bag of birdseed arrive on my desk sometime in the next few days, we'll do a great, hands-on estimation and calculation problem. Otherwise, I'm afeared it's back to worksheets and textbooks for a while until Ms. Teschow catches up on her sleep (and pays off some of her debt!!)