It's been well over a year since I've flown PIC, maybe even two years? And with a few more important details to pay attention to, flying's a wee tad trickier than riding a bike!
After my initial plan to fly with someone I had known peripherally while still a student pilot at the flight school didn't pan out, I ended up doing an hour and a bit with a fellow fairly new to instructing. He turned out to be great, really laid back, and surprisingly chill for a newer instructor. He was also pretty quick to figure out my "high challenge/low threat threshold" (i.e. he knew when and how much to push me), and as a result, I gained the confidence to take control considerably sooner than I had anticipated.
I had decided to return to flying in a 172; I'd been licensed in a Cessna 150, however, I figured if I ever wanted to take colleagues or friends flying, a 4-seater might make more sense. So, in addition to remembering how to fly, I would have to learn a few different attitudes and minor procedural changes.
(And as it turned out, in the five circuits we flew, there was no rain; the storms conveniently moved to the north and south of us.)
At my request, the instructor did most of the first circuit, but after that, he pretty much turned it over to me, and soon I was doing touch and goes on my own, with minimal coaching (we did overshoot one; turns out a 172 doesn't drop out of the sky as easily as a 150, so I was quite high on approach before I got the hang of it).
But I remembered my downwind checks (I'd run them through the night before, with a little help from Tats), and managed to land safely, if somewhat "firmly"!
Better stop blogging, and start studying... power-on stall with flaps, anyone?!