Other than a few frozen eyelashes, I was warm; thankfully yesterday morning's headwind adventures taught me to remember my proper biking boots and a few extra layers to add/shed as needed. And Claudio Monteverdi carried me through to Queensway and Islington, where my iPhone finally died. But boy, was it ever tough going... cold, wet flakes stinging my eyes, slow skidding tires all the way home: My 42-minute ride took nearly an hour and half!
It didn't help that some drivers seem compelled to share their personal (uninformed) perspective on winter biking with me while whizzing past way too close; one charming fellow -- all the commentators were men driving large vehicles, as an aside -- rolled do the window of his SUV and yelled out some obscenity to me as he splattered past on the Dundas turn-off to the 427.
I supplemented my angry verbal response with an appropriately-paired hand gesture, though admittedly, since I was wearing mittens, the effect may have been lost on the guy.
A fun adventure for sure, but I can't say I'm not glad to be taking the bus to work tomorrow!