Well kids, mine goes up to 109! And what’s more, it begins at -6!!!
Lucky me, I had amongst my helpers this week a tenured math professor from York, who kindly agreed to re-create my number line. He did so in rather a meticulous fashion, taking considerably longer to complete the job than I had anticipated. It was, however, a masterpiece once complete, and it now sits proudly laminated and affixed to one of my bulletin boards, awaiting the awe and wonder of 20 Grade 3 students next week. (It has already garnered much commentary from my envious colleagues, whos number lines -- if they even have one -- only go up to 20, or at best, 100!)
I sent the happy professor a photo of a commercial number line for sale at Staples this morning, along with its price. I soon rec’d his reply; according to his calculations, his work then was worth approximately $1.00 per hour. Considerably less than he makes at York, I would presume.
“Yes, but, mine goes up to 109”!