Create interactive lessons with slides that can be pushed out to students' devices. Students can also participate in polls the teacher creates. Students can either visit the website, or download the free app. In either case, they must enter a code the teacher gives them which allows them to access the interactive lesson.
Possible Application(s):
- Pose a rich problem students respond to in groups; I select some to share with the class, and annotate them while students present their solutions
- Direct teaching (i.e. factors and multiples for Grade 7) interspersed with student check-ins to see if they get the concept (polls are created and pushed to student devices)
- diagrams in science pushed to student devices; they work in pairs to label the diagram and submit their slide
Heard of this one before... maybe even saw/used it in a previous workshop, but SOOO need to try this with my students finally. Kind of a virtual bulletin board, students can simultaneously add videos, text and images to a board on the screen, using their individual devices.
Possible Application(s):
- Craft an inquiry question and get students or groups of students to post their responses (text, video or photos of their work) on the padlet
- Use as a centre at which students can post questions and get answers from other students
- Use as a centre to which students add their ideas as they rotate through
Possible Application(s):
- Since my students don't each have their own devices, I am thinking to put together a little mid-point check-in quiz to see how things are going with Integers in Grade 8, and have students work in groups to respond, competing against each other