I wanted to write first earlier this week as I set out at dawn on my bike for the hour-long ride to school. I wanted to write about the small, green grasshopper that landed on my bell and hitched a ride almost to Royal York Road before I flicked him off into the shrubs by the side of the road.
I wanted to write about the silent student who has not spoken one word in my class this week, but who suddenly is consumed with our new classroom library, and has asked several times for more labels so that he could help sort books for us.
I wanted to write about the new website I finished for Cablehead Airpark in PEI, and all the memories that came flooding in, of summer flying with new friends over green, grassy fields and through thin wisps of cloud and above water in seven shades of blue!
I wanted to write about the first class back at Tyndale, and the fun and chaos of sharing so many stories with my teacher candidates, who had just spent their first week in their new host classrooms. And of the lunch I shared with a strange new friend, and of Alex’s smiles as he pulls a crazy trick, and Simon’s sweet, crazy hair that he brushes out of his face as he tells his latest joke, or the most incredible harvest moon my girlfriend and I saw out the car window on the way home from a birthday dinner the other night … so many wonderful little gifts from the world I noticed and thought about this week, but never a moment to sit down at a computer and WRITE about them!!!
On my way back to the mainland after my flight lesson this morning, I noticed two airplanes in the circuit, one just climbing out, the other turning from crosswind to downwind. What an exhilarating feeling, to be flying on a Sunday morning before church! And, as I waited for the ferry in the terminal, I finally found a few moments to write….