The service runs in Spanish, in translated into English in one corner of the room, and then into sign (ASL) for a group who sit beside the English interpreter. So, it’s a trilingual church! Children are invited downstairs about halfway through the service, first to sing in a large group, then to separate into smaller, English and Spanish groups.
Today’s lesson was about the miracle of the fishes and the loaves.
As the boys completed crossword puzzles, colouring pages and fill in the blanks on this scripture passage, I reflected on the story's poignancy for me…
Who would have thought that I could raise the funds in such a short time, to travel to this country for this particular adventure? Who would have thought that 40 children (see blog entry IX below) could each have their own shower between lunch and dinner time? Who would have thought that two six-year-olds could get up at 3 a.m., take a car, two planes and a truck to a foreign country, stand in three long customs and security line-ups, and arrive happy and sociable?!
Who could have thought that five loaves and two fish could feed 5000+?
As Marcellino D’Ambriosio writes, “Our financial resources, talents, and holiness are clearly inadequate to meet the needs of a hungry and confused world. But what else is new? This gospel commands us to offer these resources anyway, trusting that He will multiply them.”
I have been in Honduras for only two days, and already I have witnessed the miraculous multiplication of inadequate resources.
God is good!