As we prepare for the year ahead, I've been googling to see what I can find out about home schooling groups in the city. Although I'm fairly confident in my abilities to provide intellectual stimulation for the boys and cover the Grade 4 curriculum, it's important to me that they meet other children, both locals and fellow English speakers. After all, one of the main reasons we're going there is to soak up the local culture, and that is not something I alone can provide!
Home schooling in Argentina is a bit of an anomaly, but it is beginning to gain momentum. Recently, a conference was held for home schoolers, in BA. Today, I stumbled across this relatively new website (too bad she's leaving before we get there!) Another interesting read is offered here.
With any luck, I will succeed in finding some others who are on a similar journey as we are, and the timing will work out so that we can connect with other families while we are living abroad next year.