After enjoying an evening of swimming pool and water slide, it was off to dinner (average at best) in the resort restaurant, followed by ping-pong and billiards in the games room.
The next morning, we were delighted (and a bit puzzled) to discover that we were apparently the hotel’s “guest of the day”, whatever that meant!

Cold and shivering from the water and the less-than-balmy temperatures, we decided to enjoy our picnic lunch in the car. And it was a good thing we did so, because it immediately started to rain!
(click any image below to enlarge)

Upon returning to our room, we discovered a treat-filled gift pack waiting for us on the bed, with a little “Guest of the Day” gift tag attached. Ha! So that’s what it means!
We decided to save the treats for our long drive back to St Pete’s tomorrow.
While the boys busied themselves with various sticker, colouring and activity books I had wisely prepacked for them, I did a little studying for my upcoming pilot exam re-write, and took a nap. Then it was time for a return visit to the resort’s pool and water slide before our last supper!