Yesterday, I got a funny email through my website: Someone had happened upon a blog post I wrote a few years ago about Clarence's, and was desperately trying to remember how to get there; he'd been some years ago and knew the general direction out of town, but wasn't sure anymore which road to take to the actual beach. A Google search had turned up precious little... other than my innocuous blog post. So he reached out to me online and by phone for directions!
Ironically, the kids and I had planned to meet Tats and the doggy there after camp/work last night, and so I thought of my new beach-seeking friend as we added our rental car to the assorted collection lining the side of the red, dirt road (apparently we were not alone in our after-work/before-dinner swim idea)!
After changing into the swim suits Tats had brought along in her backpack (she and the dog had walked to Clarence's from "our" beach near the house), we all descended on the white sands and waded out into the ocean, the water being just cool enough to be refreshing after a long, hot day in Charlottetown. Even Sneakers submersed herself, and paddled around in the gentle waves with us for about 40 minutes before shaking herself off one final time and heading back to the beach to ensconce herself in a million grains of sand.
Clarence's Beach: What a fantastic treasure -- I hope you and your family found it alright, new internet friend... leave a comment or send pics if you want to, fellow summer Islander!