2. Simon's discovery that his 6-cornered shape is a hexagon, and his curiousity about what you might call a 9-sided shape!
3. Intellectual stimulation: Working on the LNS project in the spring of 2010, and teaching full time at the University this past fall has provided some much-sought-after intellectual fodder.
4. The sky; since beginning my flight training, my eyes have been opened in the Proustian sense to the wonders on the canvas above, since my new hobby now depends on it!
5. Music, always music!
6. Good friends: In particular, I recall a specific lunch with Carole and many, many lovely interactions with Vinx. I also made many new friends out east and at school, each one a rich blessing! Important and valuable reconnections were also established.
7. Willing and Competent Teachers: My flight instructor, my guitar teacher, Alex and Simon's Gymnastics coach, Simon's Art teacher, their Grade One teacher who uses a hands-on approach to teaching math, and many new mentors I have met while struggling with my aviation studies.
8. Humour: I am blessed this year to be working part time for a principal who's a laugh a minute, and am also surrounded by many other opportunities for laughter -- my ground school class in particular was a real hoot, and I have continued to enjoy dinners with an education mentor who is a barrel of laughter and love.
9. PEI - How lucky am I to own a piece of heaven on the east coast!!!
10. God; truly, His enduring patience with my recurring stumbles and drama is incredible!